
ILA Exchange Program

II. Partner Institution Infomation

DO NOT contact a partner institution directly. If you have any questions, please contact the ILA Office.
(You may contact a partner institution only after officially accepted by your host institution.)

III. Application Documents

IV. Documents to be submitted after officially accepted

[Before Departure]

  • Request for Study Abroad (immediately after receiving letter of acceptance)
  • Notification of Departure for Study Abroad (as soon as the departure date is fixed)

  • Forms are available for download on the OIA's website below.
    Submission forms for the Student Exchange Program

[During Exchange]

  • One report during a one-semester exchange. (A4 size paper, approx. 300~500 words)
  • Two reports during a two-semester exchange. (A4 size paper, approx. 300~500 words)
The report outlines your academic studies and daily life at the host institution and should be submitted by
email to the ILA Office: ji-ila@mail.doshisha.ac.jp.

[After Return]

  • Notification of Return from Study Abroad (within 2 weeks after return)
Forms are available for download on the OIA's website below.
Submission forms for the Student Exchange Program

  • Study Abroad Report
(A4 size paper, approx. 1200 words / within 2 months after return)